Letter from the Director (12/18/04): We invite you to join and support our work!

Dear friends and colleagues – We are living in a historic time, with humanity hanging in the balance. On one side, there is militarism, war, injustice, and environmental destruction; on the other, our efforts for justice, environmental sanity, and the rule of law. If we do not succeed in stopping the evolution of nuclear weapons in this country, we cannot stop nuclear proliferation anywhere. It is essential to do this right here in New Mexico. No one is going to do this for us. Please consider joining us in our work, or supporting our programs financially. More

Greg Mello, Executive Director

New Mexicans Call for Nuclear Disarmament!

We invite you to join more than 140 businesses, 25 nonprofit organizations, and the roughly 1,100 New Mexicans (as of January 1) who have joined their voices to call for a) nuclear disarmament pursuant to existing treaties, b) an end to nuclear weapons production, c) a stop to nuclear waste disposal at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), and d) investment in people and families -- as opposed to preparations for nuclear war.

It is very important for we New Mexicans to register our resistance, because our failure to do so will be interpreted by our political leaders as assent to all things nuclear.

We are finding tremendous support for the Call. The challenge we face, in our information-saturated world, is not agreement but simply in reaching people in the first place. If you are reading these words, won’t you consider joining this Call?

This Call continues and augments more than 3,000 letters already sent to our Governor requesting an end to nuclear waste disposal at LANL.