TA-37 More Details

March 1998 1 2 3 TA and Facilities Descriptions Facility Hazard Categories Nuclear Facility Hazard Categories

No facilities at TA-37 are categorized as nuclear facilities. Non-Nuclear Facility Hazard Categories
Twenty-four magazines (Figure 4-19, Sheet 1) are used to store high explosives and are categorized
L/ENS. Buildings 3-10 have an area of 192 ft2 (59 m2) each, Buildings 11-14 an area of
1,144 ft2 (349 m2) each, and Buildings 15-26 an area of 800 ft2 (244 m2) each. Nonhazardous Facilities
This site contains three structures that are considered to be nonhazardous: an office building that
is closed; Magazine 2, which is nonoperational; and a storage building.


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